Browsing the "Watermarks" Category

Kejriwal Returns

February 7th, 2015 | by Sandeep Patil

A true politician would neither duck nor kill an oncoming attack; he will very skilfully change the direction of the weapon back on the sender itself! That's what Kejriwal has done so well

Swachha Bharat? Here is your best scavenger

November 30th, 2014 | by Sandeep Patil

Have you seen a dirty jungle? A filthy mountain? A clumsy desert? Although there are no "Swachhata campaingns" run by the inhabitants, there surroundings are clean unlike humans! The nature is the biggest scavenger that exists

Piss-off-love Revolution

November 7th, 2014 | by Sandeep Patil

This post is not so much against acts like kissing in public places. It is rather about the hypocrisy that has become such a characteristic symbol of the so called modernism in India

Kyon ki “Black” bhi kabhi “White” tha

November 1st, 2014 | by Sandeep Patil

The most important principle to remember is - the moment Money becomes black, it immediately goes kind of out of control. So the most practical thing possible about Black-money is not to let it create!


September 10th, 2014 | by Sandeep Patil

In politics everybody has right to make comeback. But Kejriwal and co. are trying to win a battle, while they may loose the war in the process

Silence of the crooks

August 27th, 2014 | by Sandeep Patil

Recently there were by-elections in various states, and though the results gave rise to new conclusions (or misinterpretations), the most noteworthy thing escaped unnoticed

The Ostrich Syndrome

June 14th, 2014 | by Sandeep Patil

This is the typical problem, that people confuse social morality with individual's freedom. These two are different things, one is collective responsibility and the other is individual's choice. And yet, when someone like Patil complains on the decline of moral values from society, people react as if their individual freedom is offended. That's why I call the Ostrich syndrome

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